❯ Project manager for creating and editing device specific system setting
❯ Menu and tool bar for creating and editing libraries and objects
❯ Schema editor for the structure of user objects
❯ Editor for editing the object properties
❯ Document editor for documenting the objects
❯ Browser for fast access to libraries and objects
❯ Bitmap editor for creating icons for any objects
❯ Reusability of custom libraries
❯ Forwarding and exchange of libraries
❯ Protection for libraries and objects with custom passwords
Configuration Functions 1/2
❯ Defining system settings
❯ Controlling and querying system behaviour of data logger
❯ Configuration of the bus interfaces
❯ Channel mapping
❯ Usage of text blocks for frequently used definitions
❯ Using drag&drop with Data base files and using signals in the configuration
❯ Free or persistent defining of signals with initial values
❯ Defining access of single bits of the message
❯ Defining trigger conditions for stop and start of the recording
❯ Defining pre and post triggers
❯ Signal oriented logging (LTLgenerator)
❯ Defining virtual channels/buses and storing with custom data
❯ Defining recording filter for single messages or for message sections
❯ Conditional recording of specific messages
❯ Limiting of message rate for specific messages
❯ Channel filtering
Configuration Functions 2/2
❯ Definign bus load, analysis of bus errors
❯ Definition of different event types and their handler blocks
❯ Defining different classifier types
❯ Defining cyclical sending of messages
❯ Gateway with preconditioning and modification of messages with bit access
❯ Defining tachograph for custom data for any point in time
❯ Defining the control over analog and digital I/Os
❯ Creating configuration for XCP on CAN/CAN FD, FlexRay and Ethernet
❯ Defining Automatic or event-controlled logger connection to a server via LAN/WLAN/mobile radio
❯ Defining the interface to CANoe for live monitoring of recorded data
❯ Control of status LEDs
❯ Defining display output