❯ 5 CAN channels
❯ 11 virtual CAN channels
❯ 2 LIN channels
❯ 1 UART channel
❯ 1 RS-232 interface for GPS signal recording
❯ 1 High speed USB 2.0 interface for configuration and data transfer
❯ 4 digital inputs and outputs
❯ 4 analog inputs
❯ 1 AUX interface to connect external accessories via high-speed CAN
❯ Mobile radio (via LTE router)
❯ 1 USB interface
❯ 1 Ethernet interface
❯ Freely programmable data logger
❯ Interchangeable SD card with up to 16 GB storage capacity
❯ Remote control with the following features:
– two user-programmable keys e.g. for manual triggering and
– two LEDs for status indication
❯ Sleep mode with automatic wake-up on message receipt
❯ Additional “Terminal 15” or “Wake” line for wake-up when the ignition is switched on
❯ Wake-up clock for cyclic awakening during long-term measurement
❯ 1 shutdown button
❯ 4 programmable LEDs for status indication
❯ 1 LED to indicate power status
❯ Integrated acoustic signal generator
❯ Battery-backed real-time clock
❯ Automotive supply and temperature range
❯ Waterproof to IP65 variant (GL2010)
❯ Ring buffer control via freely programmable start and stop trigger criteria with adjustable post and Pretrigger
❯ Complex trigger criteria on messages, signals, inputs, keys
❯ Message- and signal-related logging
❯ Tachograph function
❯ Synchronous recording of a vehicle’s position data during the test drive
❯ Free definition of 0, 1 and 2-dimensional classification tasks
❯ Up to 25,000 classes per classification task
❯ Different classifier types:
– Minimal and maximum values of a variable
– Frequency of occurrence of a criterion
– Idle time and active time of a criterion
– Frequency of value change of a condition or a signal
❯ Rainflow analysis
❯ No limitation on recording time
❯ Classification results readout saved in tabular form (e. g. for MS Excel)
❯ Exchange of CAN data between two or more buses
❯ Up to 6 independent gateways
❯ Blocking and forwarding configurable at message level
❯ Freely programmable changes to the contents of messages to be forwarded
❯ Conversion between different CAN baud rates and/or physical layers (low-speed, high-speed etc.)
❯ Forwarding from LIN to CAN
❯ Sending on CAN
❯ Timeout monitoring of messages
❯ Measurements on control devices using CCP/XCP on CAN with Seed&Key
❯ Triggering of programmable LEDs and external display
❯ Simple integration of DBC and LDF databases in the configuration
❯ Export options of log data to TXT, ASC, LOG, BLF, HDF5, Matlab® or MDF format
❯ Monitoring function of the bus communication with CANoe or CANalyzer